What is its equivalent to ETN at difficulty b? You will need to determine what portion your hash rate forms of the overall hash rate. Note that the current block reward is about 10, ETN every 2 minutes. So if you multiply the reward by 0. There is a calculator for this on Whattomine.
I just downloaded it. Moreover it has logged in the pool and the hashrate is fine. If you are mining with anything other than an ASIC miner at the moment, I doubt that you will have a lot of success. I have high hopes for this one. The ASIC hardware typically comes with their own control interface. It should be able to mine the Cryptonight algorithm.
Make sure you have one that can mine the Cryptonight algorithm not Cryptonight V7, not Cryptonight Lite, not anything else — only Cryptonight. Electroneum forked back to the original Cryptonight algorithm yesterday.
Open your pools. Hello Ben. I am a newbie in mining. Want to ask some questions. How do I know my hash rate? Can one actually know when the difficulty level drops or rises? You can view your hash rate on-screen by pressing h in the miner window, like I described in the article.
Can we still use the xmr-stak version on the link here? Yes, you can still use the same xmr-stak version. Simply open the pools.
That should do the trick. Unfortunately, though, ASIC miners are being allowed to mine again with the update. The ETN you get per day will be much less than you get now. The re-introduction of ASICs had the effect of stabilizing the blockchain and spreading the mining effort over more devices as opposed to being concentrated in a few big centralized locations from time to time.
Block times are now at an average of 2 minutes again. Prior to the fork, rented hashing power had the effect of producing block times ranging from seconds to hours. One cannot run a mass-market coin at scale with block times varying like that. The software asks you for the algorithm you want to mine, but has not yet updated their settings to reflect the new Electroneum algorithm.
Not by much, but there will definitely be a difference. Imagine buying a car and using it to do business deliveries every day for 12 hours a day, instead of just driving it occasionally when you need to get from point A to B. The first option will make the car wear out faster. Only stratum pools are supported. Weight must be an integer larger than 0. You can either mine to your online wallet address or to a paper wallet. Now: Logging in… [ ] : Difficulty changed.
You cannot mine Electroneum with an ETH wallet. Electroneum is not an ERC20 token and therefore will not work. Just keep mining. Thanks, everything works fine, I am just not sure what to do when I restart the computer?
Might be a silly question, but I am new to mining. Thank you. When restarting your computer, simply launch xmr-miner. When I complete the miner setup, I get this message. I have updated the driver on my graphics card and restarted the computer. Any ideas? Press any key to exit. Is it right that my virus killer is reporting attack from etn. Yeah, since the software is fairly new and runs in the command line, many anti-virus programs might spot them as viruses.
Sir, I have completed my first mining through PC by going with your instructions. Can you please tell me how I can know the number of coins I mined and how we can start mining again? If you set up the xmr-stak miner before, you can resume mining by just running the xmr-stak.
I am mining using 3 different pools and using my Paper wallet of Electroneum to hold coins. I then transferred Electroneum from my paper wallet to my Electroneum wallet. When I look at my Spacepools account it tells me there are 3 payments of I have imported from my offline wallet but nothing has shown for 2 days now. How can I find out where they have gone can I use the tx hash to see what wallet it has gone to? You can check the transactions by searching for the transaction hashes on the block explorer.
Enter the public key and private view key of your paper wallet there, and it should show you which of the outputs in the transaction has gone to your paper wallet. Take note that these keys will be sent to the server to do computations, but it is perfectly safe to do. Which could be the problem. I can see hash rate and everything looks fine but I get nothing. Is that normal for 6 hours of mining? The difficulty drops low enough for mining ETN to be profitable.
The amount of hash power they buy is enough to drive the difficulty up considerably and decrease the profitability. The difficulty then slowly drops again, mining ETN becomes profitable again, and the whole thing starts over again.
You can view a graph of difficulty here to see what I mean. So I think you were unfortunate to mine during a time when the difficulty was very high. Thus your pool was not getting any blocks and the rewards was negligible. You might be right.
Now I see that I have 0. Thank you! Should be. Please open the pools. Can someone please explain why on earth a mediocre Snapdragon processor can beat an i5 laptop processor by far on mining this thing!
The i5 processor will perform actual mining, like with every other coin. It will compete with other computers and GPUs. Mobile mining, on the other hand, is simulated. Mining is not actually being performed on the device. The app was meant to put ETN into the hands of everyday people. But the coins on which it operators is still a real blockchain, and the real mining is being done by computers and GPUs.
Use no if unknown. You need Windows 10 to use fast memory without UAC elevation. I would also like to find a solution to this as I am struggling to get past this message: Elevating due to Windows 7 or 8.
You need Windows What should I do? Followed the setup above and no good. Can you please tell me if something is wrong? Is there something wrong with the fork? Or has the balanced transferred somewhere else? You would think you would get something in 24 hours. Pending Balance: 0. Your effective hashrate will always be displayed in your miner software Total Hashes Submitted: The difficulty is extremely high right now due to the effects of ASICS leaving the network after the fork, as you can see here.
So even the guys with large GPU rigs and lots of hashing power are not getting much. However, the difficulty should start getting back to normal again after block You can keep an eye on the current block height here. Also, at the moment Nanopool has nearly three-quarters of the total hashing power due to the team pointing a lot of hashing power at them to get through this high difficulty stage.
So they are finding all the blocks, and other pools are getting nothing. But after the difficulty starts reducing things will get back to normal. It just says binding CPU thread and then no hash rates or results. Any reason why this is happening? Does Electroneum pool miner V1. Or is an update required? Not getting any shares submitted.
No, it stopped working. The software has also been taken down. Switch to xmr-stak instead. The Electroneum pool miner is no longer working after the fork. Use xmr-stak instead. I followed the steps, but my miner output shows nothing. What might be the issue? I can mine it easily on my desktop. No, as far as I can tell it is now obsolete.
What do you mean mining shares? The balance was probably paid to your wallet address. Take not that shares do not equal the amount of ETN you will receive. Hi, please help. It works for the rest of us. Have you tried adding an exception to the miner in your antivirus software? I registered on Electroneum and started mining with my mobile. Saw results in a week and my wallet was updating properly. Now I have a laptop and a computer. Will all 3 my miners mobile, laptop, and desktop add mined ETN coins on the same wallet, or do you suggest all to be on different wallets?
One wallet is fine for all of them. All three miners will simply perform a transfer from their wallet to yours, so it will work fine. It depends on the current difficulty a measure of how many miners are mining worldwide and the specs of your PC. Do you think I can make same amount or more with my laptop? Right now there are almost certainly some ASICs mining, driving up the difficulty and making it hard for ordinary users to mine.
Would I get more results if I used multiple mobile devices with the same account? Or I need to use different account for each device? Thanks for your reply. Collected some coins nearly 10 , and until now it works quite good.
Is there any update, when Electroneum mobile miner will be available for iOS? Or is it possible to install it now with Appvalley or something like that? This is true. Hello Ben! The team is still working on getting payments through. There were some problems that arose from high traffic on the ETN blockchain. Some people said that logging out of the app and then logging back in solves the problem for them. I have only mined 0. Tried both suggested Easyhash pools.
Is the high difficulty situation temporary, or is it expected to continue …. This is an important step, as it sort-of levels the playing field and prevents all the mining power from getting into the hands of a select few who own ASICs.
The two does not compare at all, and the difficulty on one does not influence the difficulty on the other. So keep that in mind when comparing your profits.
Can anyone tell me why? I have the same problem. I even tried to give the. A little help would be great! I set up the miner put in the required fields and click start mining. No hash rate or miner status. I am new and I need help. Have you tried to put an exception in your firewall and anti-virus software for electroneumd. The mobile miner seems to have stopped working for me. It made six payouts without issue, but is now stuck with a pending balance of 30 ETN.
I was asked to fill out a form a few different times, which I did. I have deleted and uninstalled my antivirus and switched off my firewall after making the exception did not work. Has anyone worked this problem out yet? I have mined some Electromeum which is sitting in my offline wallet. But nothing got transferred. Is there a limit before you can transfer since I only have 40ETN? Just keep on trying to see if it works. Any help on this?
Using Windows 7 with 64 bit. I need advice. My miner is not showing a hash rate, total share, or bad share. You will probably need to download a full miner node from the Electroneum downloads page. There is no graphical interface created for Linux. A share only represents the amount of work you have contributed to the pool you are mining to.
The best method is to play around with these settings and see which one gives you the highest hash rate. All the settings will work on your computer, but the right setting will make it run optimally.
Hello Benjamin, I am using a mobile phone and a computer to mine coins. My mobile phone is a cheap Samsung and mines at a Hash Rate or 3 or 4, very slow. I have been mining a week and it shows I have 4. My computer mines at a hash rate of between 40 and The Easy Hash shows I have a balance of 3.
I thought my computer would generate a lot more with a decent Hash rate. If you can think of anything I might be doing wrong I would be very happy for your ideas or assistance. Mobiles and computers mine on two very different interfaces, so their hash rates have no correlation. Yes, you can mine to your mobile wallet, which will make both your computer and mobile mine to the same wallet.
The balance in Easyhash will get transferred to your chosen wallet when the amount reaches the payment threshold. Then the ETN should reflect in your mobile wallet. The app uses very little resources to run. It will probably use fewer resources than your browser, Facebook, or Whatsapp. The app will not damage any part of the phone since it is not performing any calculations or using any intensive resources. But remember that the mining pool also has a payment threshold differs from one pool to another.
So your payment will only be paid out once the mined balance on the pool reaches that threshold. My balance has been stuck at 9. That led me to believe something else is broken.
Wallet address is correct as it is showing up on my stats page as hashing, but the only payouts I seem to be getting are from the Windows and mobile miner.
Right now they are shut down so I can really see that nothing is being mined with the Ethos rig. What is going on here? How to withdraw mobile mined ETN to an exchange or another wallet? I have no idea. Can you explain? When depositing with an exchange, you will get a wallet address and a payment ID.
In the Electroneum app, click on Send, then scan those two QR codes give to you by the exchange. Also enter how much ETN you wish to send. I use the wallet address from my registration on Electroneum. But when I looked at my stats on easyhash. Is it the same wallet? Can I mine to one wallet address, common for my mobile app and desktop? Easyhash will only pay out when your mined balance exceeds a certain threshold.
Not sure what this value is. Just be patient, it will come. I think this is the same as mine. I have followed all of your instructions. All of these new programs are suspicious to Windows security because they are not known yet. Very few people have installed miners on their computers, compared to the overall number of Windows users.
It will take some time for these programs to be considered safe by antivirus programs. But you can be sure that it is safe. I got 5 ETN in two days. Mobiles and computers mine on two different pools.
So the amount of users on the computer side does not affect the payout on the mobile side and visa versa. The computer payment rate is governed by the mining difficulty while the mobile payment rate is governed by an algorithm managed by the team.
You cannot compare the two. The difficulty is the same across the entire mining network. A pool that has more users might mine more blocks, but then the rewards are divided amongst just as many people. It all evens out in the end. Essential upgrade. This commit was created on GitHub. Electroneum Aurora: V4. Proof of Responsibility 3. There are also some accompanying changes to the block explorer interface. We hope you are happy with these changes.
Assets 6 electroneum-release-static-linux-xubuntu Proof of Responsibility v3. Assets 3 electroneum-static-linux-xarmv8. Fixes an issue with some windows wallets would close on password entry after transfer request. Assets 3 electroneum-release-static-win Block and transaction notification system. Proof of Responsibility. Improved transaction confirmation times Now only 5 blocks.
The Sellers pay no fees, and don't even need a bank account to earn. ETN is revolutionising cross border transfers. There are over a billion unbanked people with no digital payment method. No Visa. No Mastercard. No PayPal. No Apple Pay. Every day, ETN is helping people around the world pay for goods and services, both in-store and online. Operating within international guidelines set out by global bodies including the The Financial Action Task Force FATF the global money laundering and terrorist financing watchdog.
To ensure that we operate lawfully in all relevant ETN-Network jurisdictions. The ETN block rewards they earn are helping to fund their charitable initiatives.